
We request authors to read the following guideline carefully.

On behalf of TPC we congratulate again for the acceptance of your paper for the oral presentation at COMPAS 2024 to be held on September 25-26, 2024 at CUET IT Business Incubator, Chattogarm, Bangladesh. Now, we request you to prepare camera ready version of your paper according to the following guideline:

  1. The camera ready template is available from the link: the camera ready version you must have to add author's names, full affiliations and email address as well as the indication of the corresponding author's. Never use Prof./ Dr./ Mr./Ms. etc with authors name
  2. You must address the comments from the reviewers at the camera ready version of your paper. You need to prepare a reviewer's response document as per the templateobtainable from the link of the reviewer's response file must be in the format Paper iD_Reviewers Response. For example, if your paper ID is 701 then it will be 701_Reviewer Response
  3. You must ensure that in the camera ready version of the paper the overall similarity index in less than 20% and a single source similarity index is less than 4% . Authors must follow this guideline strictly. Otherwise the paper may not be considered for the publication at IEEE Xplore.
  4. You must add the appropriate information from the following at the footer of the first page of your paper. It should be left justified.
    1. For papers in which all authors are employed by the US government, the copyright notice is: U.S. Government work not protected by U.S. copyright
    2. For papers in which all authors are employed by a Crown government (UK, Canada, and Australia), the copyright notice is:979-8-3315-2976-5/24/$31.00 ©2024 Crown
    3. For papers in which all authors are employed by the European Union, the copyright notice is: 979-8-3315-2976-5/24/$31.00 ©2024 European Union
    4. For all other papers the copyright notice is:979-8-3315-2976-5/24/$31.00 ©2024 IEEE
  5. You need to create .pdf version or check .pdf version of your paper using IEEE PDF eXpress. Use conference ID: 60761X while checking using IEEE PDF eXpress. Link forIEEE PDF eXpress is must have to attach the email from the IEEE PDF eXpress about the proof of validation / creation of .pdf file using c. The file must be a .pdf file having namePaper ID_IEEE PDF eXpress Check. As for example,701__IEEE PDF eXpress Check. Details procedure to create / check using IEEE PDF eXpress can be obtained from the link,email%20with%20your%20Chec
  6. You need to combine all the following files in a single .zip file having name Paper ID_ Paper ID. As for example, Paper
    1. Camera ready version of your paper in .docx or latex format. In case of latex file, combine all files in a single .zip file.
    2. PDF version of your camera ready paper
    3. Proof of IEEE PDF eXpress Check in PDF format
    4. Reviewer Response document in PDF format.
  7. After login as the author (must be corresponding author) at upload the .zip file related to your paper by clicking at the Camera Ready Submission option.

Note that detail Registration Procedure and Copyright Form Submission Procedure will be shared with the authors of the accepted papers soon. We shall also share presentation guidelines soon.

IEEE strictly prohibits adding new co-authors after a paper has been accepted and is in the camera-ready submission stage. This is part of their ethical standards to ensure the integrity of the submission process. It must be done before the initial submission deadline if you need to add a co-author.

If a co-author is added after acceptance, IEEE may:
  1. Reject the paper entirely.
  2. Ban all authors listed on the paper from submitting to future IEEE conferences.
  3. Potentially escalate the issue to other IEEE conferences and journals.

Thanks again for your great efforts and we are waiting to welcome you at COMPAS 2024.

Important Dates

Submission Deadline

August 10, 2024
(Submission close)

Acceptance Notification

August 30, 2024

(Accepted Papers)

Camera Ready Submission

September 14, 2024

(Submission Guidelines)

Registration Deadline

September 14, 2024

(Registration Closed)

Conference Date

25th to 26th September, 2024

(Conference Venue)

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